Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Silence Before The Storm

Monday went to Millenia Walk to do EAIPJ.
Tuesday was EAIPJ presentation. The presentation wasn't well done. Thomas and I waited for Raymond they all to watch movie, but their presentation took 2 hours -.- I waited till I lost the mood to watch a movie. So headed home. At night met Wei Qi to slack and chichat.

Friday went to school for IT Logistics revision lecture and practical test. Printed past year papers etc, then headed home. At night met WeiQi; had a final chat with him before he flew off to Taiwan for 11months. Thats damn long lah!
Saturday slacked at home and tried to study but failed.
Sunday must start studying le! And as usual, its family day.

Right now, I am very into RnB! :D
Will.I.Am album is dope. And Eminem dissing MC, thats baddass!!


Superstar said...

Michael turning into R&B prince! HAHAHAHA! Now that's EPIC.

michael said...

din noe u still read my
nahh.. me aint RnB prince..haha