Sunday, August 30, 2009

When We Think Its All Over

Monday to Wednesday studied for Business Intelligence; paper was alright, better than ISECT!
Thursday studied for IT Logistics paper. Did not sleep at all lah, went to sch on fri and took the paper with plenty of caffeine flowing through me.

Friday went out with Zeta Boyz and watched a lousy movie chosen by the Taco boy, Benito.
Saturday went to Clare's friends and family gathering at Singapore Japanese Association. Was fun to see everyone after so long. After that, met WeiKok, my friend since Primary 1. Chit chat and drank abit. Then headed home. Got locked out of my house cause I misplaced my key. Was outside like 4.30am till 6.30am. Then finally able to get in, then slept till 8am only.

Sunday had a Basketball match at Aljunied. Planned to get jersey only, then skip all matches but teammates asked me to come down and play. But regretted doing so, lousy played match and lousy fucktub teammates. Wont be going down the next few matches le! I've gotten my jersey, so Fuck Care! haha
Sunday was damn tired, so slept at 7pm and will wake up on monday morning for first day of fypj.

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