Sunday, August 23, 2009

When The Waves Hit

This whole week was at home studying for my paper on Thursday. ISECT paper wasnt well done. Did not expect the paper to be like that. After paper, I took a break for a day.
But seriously did not have the mood to study at all lah. Friday and Saturday also did not study :x
Saturday went to so called Pamela's birthday chalet. Planned to leave after the bbq, but decided to stay till the following morning. At chalet, was normal lah, and I was the last man standing! I slept at 7.30am. But woke up at 8.30 liddat to head for home with the rest.
Sunday took a nap till 5pm. Damn NUA now!! Too tired and lazy to study.. sian!!!
To those pozers out there! Please dont front hiphop. Be your motherfucking self. If yourself aint cool; guess what, Life Sucks! Live With It!

WeiXian, Myself, Cheryl, Pamela
JasperYam, PuaWei, Cheryl, WeiXian
Me, Pamela, WaiYong, TeckWei

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