Sunday, February 22, 2009

Exam Week

Tuesday had Operation System paper and SubWay for lunch.
Wednesday had Sengp paper and SubWay for dinner; hardest paper I ever took in my Nyp life.
Thurdsday went to Vivocity with some of my boyz. We watched Slumdog Millionaire and had Pastamania for dinner. Slumdog Millionaire is damn nice; 10 Oscar nominations somemore.
Met my secondary school friends after that to celebrate See Wai Yong's 20th B'day also.
Took some crazy photos. The postions for the photos are NOT MY IDEA. After celebration, went for supper then hang out with Teck Wei till 5am.
Friday met the looney tunn at Vivo for lunch. Decided to eat at Pizza Hut at Habourfront in the end. She used 3 spoons to eat baked rice =.= LOL!! Funny girl,maybe weird? :x HAHA!!

Happy 20th B'day Wai Yong!!
The Boys from sec school
Teck Wei, Me, Yam, Wai Yong, Kelvin, Eugene, Pua Wei
The Girls from sec school
Cheryl and Pamela
Electric Chair
Don't Drop Me
Don't Let Me Fall
The Letter M
3 By 2
Jump On Me
Climb On Me
Carry The King / B'day Boy
Those who stayed during the nonsense photo taking
She brings the term Multi Task to a whole new level
Btw, the third spoon is on the plate

When its all over, We shall start our story.

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