Sunday, February 1, 2009

Its Starting Again

Wednesday had Business Comm ICA 3. I love biz presentations, simple as that =)
Thurday had SubWay for brunch with Nic and went to sch also.
Friday had ITIPJ presentation and XML prac test.
Went to town with my boyz after that.
Had SubWay for lunch.
Slacked and walked then met others for dinner.
Saturday went to watch movie with family. Its been so long since we watched a movie together. Watched Underworld : Rise of the Lycans. Btw, it was a midnight movie; no other time slot le. I don't know about you guys, but hanging out with my family till wee hours in the morning is normal=)
Sunday suppose to be slacking at home.
But went to meet Hsin Han for lunch before he goes back Taiwan. Went to do some CNY visiting at Pua Wei's and Wei Lun's Place. Chilled at Teck Wei's place then home at 3plus am.
here some pictures:

Hui Feng

Its been so long.
Its starting again .

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